First blog post

Hi everyone! The idea to create this blog came from me needing a project for 20% time (Genius hour) at my school. I had always secretly wanted to created a blog, but never really knew how, so I never got around to doing it. With me being enrolled in 20% time it was the push that I needed to start the process of creating my own blog. Then I was faced with the dreadful question, “What will my blog be about?” After much thought I decided the blog would be about something that I have a lot of, due to me living all over the world, Life advice. Thus the idea for my blog was born! I came up with the name of my blog “Life Fravors,” due to my last name sounding a lot like life favors, which is what the blog would be about. The life advice or life favors will range from travel advice to school advice, and everything in between. So that’s the history behind this blog. Enjoy!


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